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A. Introduction

The experiences of refugees who were destined to seven communities in Alberta, namely Edmonton, Calgary, Lethbridge, Red Deer, Medicine Hat, Fort McMurray and Grande Prairie, suggest a number of policy changes in the area of refugee settlement in the province. Interviews with the refugees themselves, a public opinion survey, and interviews with service providers and CIC personnel have all contributed to the recommendations made here.

B. Destining

Several changes to the destining procedures are necessary to ensure a better match of individual and community.

Information Regarding Destinations

Canadian Immigration officials overseas should be provided with up-to-date information on the nature of the economies, labour market needs and settlement services in each of the receiving cities. They should also be supplied with information on the existence and size of ethnic communities in all refugee destinations. Furthermore, they should take into account the background of the refugees: sending people who have come from large cities in their home country to larger cities in Alberta would make sense. Sending those with specific professional credentials to larger cities might increase their chances of finding employment in their area of training.

Information for Refugees

More information should be given (in translation) to the refugees who apply to come to Canada. Not only do people need more details about places to which they may be destined, but they should also be made aware that it is appropriate to indicate location preferences based on family and friends already in Canada. Some service providers suggested that refugees are sometimes afraid to express a preference because they believe that if they say they don’t want to go where the federal government plans to send them, they won’t be allowed to come to Canada at all. In addition, refugees who are professionals should be given realistic information about the possibility of re-entering their fields. Several refugees reported that they were told overseas that they would be able to work within their professions as soon as they arrived in Canada.

Recommended Destinations in Alberta

The results of this study strongly indicate that the practice of destining refugees not only to larger urban centres but also to mid-sized cities can work to the mutual benefit of the refugees and the host communities. However, some smaller centres may be able to accommodate refugees more effectively than others. (For example, the level of refugee satisfaction in Red Deer was high, and the cooperation amongst service providers was strong.) Thus, Citizenship and Immigration Canada should continue to destine refugees to the largest (Edmonton and Calgary) and the mid-sized (Red Deer, Lethbridge, Medicine Hat) host communities. We recommend discontinuing the practice of sending refugees to Fort McMurray and Grande Prairie, at least for the time being, for a number of reasons. A lower probability of others from the same ethnic/cultural background being present, a shortage of suitable housing, a smaller range of educational and employment opportunities, a narrower range of available services, and difficulty adjusting to the climate all contribute to the high "leaver" rates in those two cities.

Family Status

We recommend that a balance of families and single males of the same ethnic origin be sent to smaller communities such as Medicine Hat, where there are good employment prospects. A mix of families and individuals would ensure that there are opportunities to socialize with compatriots.


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